• May 2, 2024
    Frieze New York, David Zwirner Booth

    Two Person Booth

    Nate Lowman and Franz West

    The Shed, 545 West 30th Street, New York, NY

    May 1 – 5th, 2024

    More information here

  • March 23, 2023
    Delusion Horizon, Massimo de Carlo, Milan

    Solo Exhibition
    “Delusion Horizon”
    Massimo de Carlo, Viale Lombardia 17, Milan, Italy
    March 23 – July 1, 2023
    More information here

  • March 10, 2022
    Let’s Go, David Zwirner, New York

    Solo Exhibition
    “Let’s Go”
    David Zwirner, 533 W 19th St, New York, NY
    March 10 – April 16, 2022
    More information here

  • September 1, 2021
    Mother’s Indigestion, Pièce Unique, Massimo de Carlo, Paris

    Solo Exhibition
    “Mother’s Indigestion”
    Pièce Unique, Massimo de Carlo, Paris
    September 1 – 19, 2021

    more information here

  • February 1, 2021
    Ceiling Paintings, The National Exemplar, Iowa City

    Group Exhibition
    “Ceiling Paintings”
    The National Exemplar, Iowa City, Iowa
    February 1 – April 10, 2021
    more information here

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